Health News

Understanding Diabulimia
Diabulimia. You might have heard this new buzzword, but did you know it refers to a serious health problem?
Flu Rx May Be Safer Than Once Thought
Despite past concerns, a popular flu medication did not appear to increase the risk of suicide in children and teens, a new study found.
A Spike in Opioid Overdoses
Opioid overdoses are continuing their rapid upward trend, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Another Reason to Use Your CPAP Machine
Sticking with your sleep apnea treatment may help keep you out of the hospital, a new study found.
Get Your ZZZs Every Day
Many people try to catch up on sleep over the weekend in an effort to offset the negative health effects of too little sleep during the week. But these people may be in for a rude awakening.
On the Horizon: Rx for Alzheimer's Disease Psychosis
A treatment for Alzheimer's disease psychosis may be on the horizon.
Kicking the Habit: 'Every Try Counts'
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has launched a new campaign to encourage cigarette smokers to quit. The campaign's primary message is this: Every try counts.
How Your Gender Could Affect Your Brain Health
In the search for what causes and signals Alzheimer's disease, scientists have often looked to genes. New evidence, however, points to gender.
Perfect Parenting Pressures Could Affect Mental Health
Becoming a parent for the first time can be hard for some people. But some new parents may risk developing a mental disorder when they also face social pressures to be perfect parents.
The Role of Gender in Mental Health
Mental health issues are quite common in America, with about 1 in 4 adults living with a diagnosable condition each year. While men and women have nearly identical overall rates of mental illness, there are noticeable gender differences in disease prevalence, course and outlook for certain mental conditions.