Health News

The Dollars for Dementia Add Up Fast
No one on Earth is getting any younger. And with age comes the higher health costs associated with a range of health conditions. Top among them may be dementia.
Quit Smoking and Enjoy That New Hip
Total hip replacement and smoking cigarettes just don’t mix. That's because smoking can cramp the healing process. Even quitting just before surgery is better than not quitting at all.
Linking Poor Sleep and Alzheimer's
Poor sleep is linked to a wide range of possible ailments. However, it also works the other way around. Poor sleep can also be a sign that illness is contributing to the bad sleep.
Beat Back Pain by Quitting Smoking
There are a lot of obvious reasons to quit smoking. But a lesser known reason to quit may be to help with back pain during treatment for spine issues.
Depression Put Alzheimer’s on Fast Track
Depression can make the most on-the-ball people feel like their brains are mush. In people with Alzheimer’s disease, depression may speed up disease symptoms.
Lower Income Tied to Less Knee Pain
The quality of care when getting a new knee shouldn't depend on patients' income. Treatment should be the same no matter who's under the knife. But lower income patients might feel better about their surgery than patients who earn more.
Don’t Let Illness Get You Down
Lifestyle changes involved in treatment of long-term illnesses can take a toll. People with the biggest, long-term lifestyle changes may have the toughest time coping.
Extra Struggles For Kids With MS
Childhood is an important time for developing skills and learning. Spotting and treating any developmental problems early is of special importance for those managing conditions like multiple sclerosis (MS).
Antioxidants for the Brain
Antioxidants - which are found in foods like soy products, coffee and fruits - have been shown to be healthy substances for the body. Researchers wanted to see if they could also lower risk of dementia and stroke.
When Epilepsy Occurs In Childhood
Memory is often an area of concern for people with epilepsy. For children who are just learning about the world around them, memory can be of particular importance to their physical, mental, emotional and social development.