Health News

Overweight kids develop more psoriasis
Overweight children have a significantly higher prevalence of psoriasis - and they are also at higher risk for heart disease that starts in childhood with higher cholesterol levels.
From Sexy to Gross
Every day, some 4,000 teenagers smoke their first cigarette. About 1,000 of them will become addicted daily smokers. Their new tobacco addiction will add to the $200 billion burden that smoking costs the United States every year. And with their first puff, these youngsters start the clock ticking toward an unhealthy - and likely fatal future. To combat this disturbing public health menace, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is requiring all cigarette packaging to be wrapped in graphic and sometimes disturbing images starting next year.
Impaired Brain Function Paired With Stroke Risks
Stroke death rates are higher in eight Southern US states which were named the "Stroke Belt" back in the mid-1960s. Researchers have added a new risk factor to this region - cognitive (mental processing) decline.
Simple Lifestyle Habits Help Strengthen and Maintain Your Brain
Use it or lose it. How many times have we heard that? Now we're learning that exercising and nourishing the brain are essential for keeping your mind fit and flexible. What's more, we now know that maintaining an agile mind doesn't have to be difficult or painful. In fact, it can be loads of fun.
Stroke Patients: Get Happy, Get Moving
Anyone with depression should get help, but it's especially important for stroke patients if they want to complete day-to-day tasks and maintain their independence.
Don't Miss a Beat
A meta-analysis of 14 studies has led researchers to believe that even moderate alcohol consumption can contribute to atrial fibrillation, or irregular heart beat.
This Word Isn't on the Street
The number of stroke patients with a history of street drug use has risen more than nine fold in the past 13 years, according to a new study from the University of Cincinnati.
Stroke of Genius?
Brain devastation resulting from stroke and head trauma is often due to the overproduction of a substance in the brain called glutamate . A new method of therapy may prevent this from happening.
The (Neuro)-Logical Next Step
A study from Loyola University suggests that neurological disorders like epilepsy and dementia are on the rise, but new therapies could soon be formed with the help of diagnostic tests and stem cell research.
Don't Drink, Drink, Drink!
A recent editorial in the Canadian Medical Association Journal  states that binge drinking is an excessively common practice in the United States.