Health News
Hidden Links to the Obesity Epidemic
Any person who sets their mind to lose weight should be able to do so with a doctor's help. But the path that leads people to be obese is more complex.
Numbers on Scales Linked to Math Tests
While the health problems associated with childhood obesity are becoming well known, less is known about social and mental lives of obese children.
Dirty Air and Fat Make Asthma Worse
Environmentalists are not the only ones that should be concerned about air pollution. Asthma patients and their doctors also should be worried, as dirty city air may make asthma worse.
Children's Weight and Vitamin D Connection
Want to know one way you can potentially reduce your child's likelihood of becoming overweight before he or she is even born? Make sure you have enough vitamin D in your system.
Better Sleep for Leaner Kids
Helping an obese child lose weight can do more than reduce playground teasing. It could also reduce a child's likelihood of having sleep apnea or metabolic syndrome.
'Blood-Letting' Delivers Health Benefits
The practice of blood-letting or bleeding patients was abandoned in the 19th century when it became clear there was little benefit. New research suggests the barbaric-sounding practice could offer a very real heart benefit.
You Are When You Eat
If munching around the clock is your norm, you may be finding the numbers on the scale going up. But it's not how much you're eating. It's when you're eating it.
Healthier Potluck Eating
How can you survive a barbecue, picnic or potluck without stuffing yourself silly? Simple. Keep a bottle of water in your hands at all times - and drink from it regularly.
Fat Mice, Liposuction, and Cancer
We tend to think of fat as surplus, storage for calories that we carry around until needed. As it turns out, some fat is quite productive, pumping out hormones or storing chemicals and vitamins.
Children Arriving by C May Grow Bigger
Both the rate of obesity and the rate of elective C-sections have been increasing in the U.S. Though no evidence exists to say one causes another, they may be linked.