Health News

Can Body Image Affect Behavior?
Obese women tend to think of themselves as much larger than they are, but how does this affect the way they live life? 
Start Early to Reduce Your BMI
Research has shown that spending less time watching TV and eating more vegetables helps children avoid obesity. Starting early, before age 2, may be the key.
Rx Reduces Patients' Hunger
An advisory panel for the Food and Drug Administration has voted 18 to 4, with one person not voting, in favor of accepting a new weight loss drug called Lorqess .
Spare Tires Cause Heart Issues
An individual's risk of sudden cardiac death isn't just tied to whether they are overweight or obese. It's also associated with the specific part of the body carrying the added weight.
Lose Weight to Boost Pregnancy Ratio
Obesity is known to reduce a woman's fertility as well as increase the risk of complications with a birth, but does that mean losing weight will increase her fertility?
Mom, Dad, Can I Sleep With You?
It's 3 a.m. "Mommy, can I sleep with you?" What you respond with in your sleepy stupor may have an impact on your child's risk of becoming overweight.
Could Poor Body Image Block Weight Loss?
“I’ve just gotten so fat!” “You? I’m the one with the huge thighs!” -- It is not uncommon to hear conversations like this, especially as the anxiety of swimsuit season quickly approaches. But new research is showing that this habit and mentality might not just be detrimental to self-esteem, but could affect one’s ability to lose weight.
Women’s Waistlines Affect Bottom Lines
Being overweight might be hurting more than your health. If you're a woman, it could be hurting your job prospects and your salary opportunities as well.
Kids Emotionally Benefit from Sports
Nobody wants to be yelled at on the playing field.  Supportive and fun sports environments can have a real impact on the stability of a child. Learning emotional management skills and lower rates of depression are just part of the benefits. Having fun while exercising has more than just physical perks. Research points to ‘caring climates’ for sports activities to improve feelings of depression and ability to manage negative thoughts. Find your child a fun sport to join! Mary Fry PhD., Associate Professor of health, sport and exercise science at the University of Kansas,...
Jetlag from Work - in the Same Time Zone
"Living against the clock," forced into a schedule because of a job or other responsibilities that conflicts with your natural internal clock, may be contributing to weight gain.