Health News

Hormones Linked to Improved Thinking
Drugs are often used to help memory in people with dementia. New research is looking into ways a hormone may help people with dementia too. A recent study found that taking a hormone, which is a natural part of the body’s function, improved thinking skills for elderly people.
Obesity May Speed-Up Cognitive Decline
Keeping a healthy weight has many benefits. Recent research suggests that it may also help keep memory sharp as you age. A recent study looked at people’s weight and other health problems, like high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
Dementia Protection in Your DNA
Risk for dementia increases as people age and when there is a family history. New research suggests that the ability to avoid dementia may also run in families.
Popcorn, Factory Workers and Dementia?
Beta amyloid is linked to brain cell death in Alzheimer’s disease. And recent lab studies found that a common food chemical may enhance its harmful effects.
Chocolate for Helping Memory
Flavanols are found in red wine, coffee, tea and chocolate. Who would have thought these treats could have a positive affect on brain function and heart health.
Can Concussions Spark Aging?
What is the long-term price of bumps on the head and concussions? Could they contribute to premature mental aging by breaking down neural pathways?
Sports for Brain Power
Find the Olympic Games inspiring? Certain Olympic sports may provide added brain health benefits beyond entertainment.
Dementia: Younger Means Faster
Risk of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) increases with age, but the way the disease progresses varies. Some people with AD start having symptoms in their sixties and others much later.
Sniffing out Dementia
Simple memories, like being able to identify a smell, can be affected in later stages of dementia. However, research suggests that changes in smell memory may show up early.
Aricept for Other Types of Dementia?
Aricept is approved for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, but clinical trials are underway to see if it will be helpful for other types of dementia.