Health News

Eye Damage in Diabetes and Hypertension
Both high blood pressure and eye problems are common complications of diabetes. Now, new research reveals how high blood pressure affects vision in diabetes patients.
What Do You See on Your Med Labels?
Prescription warning labels are those little, colored labels that are on a prescription pill bottles. Do you always see them?
A Way to Preserve Itsy Bitsy Eyes
Being born too early comes with various possible health risks, including a form of blindness called retinopathy of prematurity that afflicts about half of babies born before 28 weeks.
Preserving Little Eyes a Little Longer
Children's eyes continue to undergo changes as they grow, often worsening if they are nearsighted. But there may be a way to slow that downhill trend for certain kids.
Teaching Tool Simulates Cataract Surgery
Cataract surgery is one of the most common eye operations performed, with 1.5 million patients receiving the procedure each year.
Global Eye Doctor Shortage Growing
More than 200,000 ophthalmologists are in practice around the world. However, the number of new eye doctors is not growing at a pace capable of meeting the needs of a large aging population.
Dry Eye Treatment Offers Relief
Dry eyes are commonly treated with eye drops or ointments. For patients with a persistent form of the condition, a brief in-office procedure that requires no recovery is increasing in popularity.
Pill Bottle Caters to Blind
Taking prescriptions can be tricky for blind and visually impaired individuals who may have difficulty distinguishing one pill bottle from another, plucking capsules from bottles or locating a cap they may have dropped.
Cancer Drug Reaffirmed for Macular Degeneration
A second trial has affirmed that cancer drug Avastin ( bevacizumab ) is an effective cost efficient treatment for patients suffering from age-related macular degeneration (AMD), which can lead to blindness.
Viral Infection Linked to Blinding Eye Disease
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of blindness in older adults. However, few risk factors for the eye disease have been identified. A viral infection has now been linked to development of AMD.