Health News
Surgical and Nonsurgical Options for Herniated Discs
Herniated discs can be painful and even result in disability. A recent study looked at the benefits of spinal surgery as treatment for these slipped discs.
Common Rx Could Slow Neurodegenerative Disease
Familial amyloid polyneuropathy is a very rare condition. New research shows that a relatively common medication may slow progression of the disease.
Vitamin E for Alzheimer's Disease
As Alzheimer's disease becomes more prevalent, researchers are looking for new ways to treat the condition. A new study hints that a simple vitamin might help slow the disease.
Meniscus Surgery May Not Provide Additional Relief
When knee cartilage is damaged, patients often choose surgery to reduce pain and treat the symptoms. New research shows that the surgery may not be very effective.
Looking at Concussions in the Long Run
As research continues to progress with Alzheimer's disease, scientists are looking for information about what might contribute to it. They recently found one possibility.
Dementia Patients and Caregivers Living With Unmet Needs
People with dementia who live at home require a significant amount of medical and personal care. Unfortunately, the needs of those patients and their caregivers may often go unmet.
Gum Chewing Linked to Headaches in Teens
While chronic headaches in teens may be blamed on typical teen activities like playing video games or listening to loud music, there may be another less obvious culprit — chewing gum.
Therapy for Treating Children's Migraines
Children who have frequent migraines sometimes take medication to ease symptoms. New research shows that therapy may also be an effective treatment.
Childhood Pain Linked to Adult Pain
While chronic pain is rare in young children, kids and teens can and do develop chronic pain conditions. New research shows that these kids may have a greater chance of having the same issues as adults.
FDA Approves First Device for Treating Migraines
US regulators recently gave the green light for the first device intended to treat pain during a migraine headache.