Health News

Back Surgery May Come With Risks
Many people over 60 years old experience severe back pain and seek surgery to relieve it. But some of them may be at risk for complications.
More Rehab Now to Heal Better Later
For patients with mobility problems, being consistent with rehab is an important part of   the recovery process. It might be helpful for many of these patients to meet more often with their specialist or therapist.
New Treatment for Refractory Epilepsy
Trying to manage seizures in patients with refractory epilepsy — a type of epilepsy where medicine no longer works to control seizures — can be very challenging, but there may be renewed hope.
Which Rx for Migraine Relief?
Many people are affected by chronic migraine attacks, but available treatments only offer momentary pain relief. Thus, migraine prevention remains a challenge.
Playing Kids' Odds with the Flu
Even though the flu is a common illness each winter, that doesn't mean it's not a dangerous one. Children with certain chronic conditions are especially prone to complications from influenza.
Orthopedists Name Needless Kinds of Care
Knowing which medical treatments are needed and which aren't plays an important role in personal wellness and in creating an efficient healthcare system. Now, individuals with arthritis and other difficulties getting around have a shortlist of procedures many of them can do without.
A Link Between Migraines and Your Waistline?
The link between being overweight or obese and other health issues is clearly established for conditions like heart disease, cancer and diabetes. But a person's weight may be related to migraines as well.
Staying Fit to Fend off Illness
The risk for various health problems increases with age. But there are steps people can take to help minimize these risks, and exercise seems to be one of those steps.
Understanding How Cerebral Palsy Occurs
Children with cerebral palsy can live full lives and often do not experience any intellectual disability. Researchers are still eager, however, to understand the risk factors for this movement disorder.
Zapping Nerves Didn't Help Knee Arthritis
Exercise can benefit arthritis patients by helping reduce pain, stiffness and disability. Certain electrical devices have been tried for the treatment of arthritis as well, and researchers recently studied whether one such device could add to the benefits of exercise for knee osteoarthritis.