Health News
Diabetes Rx Kept Fatty Liver at Bay
A medication used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes may have the power to combat another common condition.
How Viagra Could Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes
The little blue pill might have found another use outside the bedroom.
Home Cooking for Better Health
Eating on the go has become a major trend in modern society. But if you're looking to give your health a boost, you may want to consider preparing your meals at home instead.
New Recommendations for Diabetes Screening
Starting diabetes treatment early can greatly reduce the risk of serious complications. But many patients may not realize they're at risk.
The Benefits of Pharmacy Care for Diabetes Patients
If you have diabetes, your pharmacist may be one of the best sources of help in managing your blood sugar.
Metabolic Syndrome — A Cardiac Crystal Ball?
A new test may be able to predict whether a child is at risk of heart disease — long before he or she ever develops it.
How to Lower Your Diabetes Risk While You Sleep
Patients who take their blood pressure medications at bedtime may wake up with a lower risk of diabetes.
The Role of Sugary Drinks in Diabetes Risk
Sugary drinks have recently been linked to type 2 diabetes risk, but new evidence suggests a more complicated picture.
Lighting Up Might Up Your Diabetes Risk
It appears that smoking may put more than just your heart and lung health at risk.
Sleep, Naps and Diabetes Risk
If a siesta is part of your everyday routine, there may be cause for concern.