AddictionsInfo Center
Addicted to the Action
The brain is more likely to act impulsively while trying to multitask. Inhibiting motor actions forces a person to concentrate only on one task and potentially make a better decision.
Alcoholism After Bariatric Surgery
One weight loss surgical procedure in particular is suspected to increase a patient’s chances of developing alcoholism two years after surgery. Good support networks and healthcare practices may help lower risk.
Cocaine Vaccine's Future
Scientists have developed a cocaine vaccine that uses the common cold virus to engage the immune system and blocks the drug’s absorption. Early stages of testing show great promise.
Alcohol During Pregnancy - Whats the Question?
To drink or not to drink? Such is the question for many expectant moms who would love to have that single glass of wine but worry about its impact on their developing baby.
Drinking Makes Teens Feel Isolated
In schools where drinking isn’t something everyone does, those who do drink can often feel outcast. This isolation can cause grades to slip over time.
Anti-Smoking Labels Work
Since 1985, the text-only Surgeon General warning has been on the side of every single cigarette pack sold in the United States.
Cancer Trials Assess the Fire, not the Smoke
About 50 percent of all cancers are related to tobacco use, which also interferes with the effectiveness of treatments. A person's history with tobacco is important if they're participating in a cancer study.
Elderly Smokers Should Quit Too
Most smoking cessation studies are done on middle-aged subject’s statistical data. Recent evidence suggests that quitting smoking even in a person’s 80s can extend and improve life.
Preventing Drug Abuse in Depressed Youths
Adolescents who get treatment for their major depressive disorder ( MDD ) before they begin abusing drugs are less likely to start. Early treatment is the best prevention method.
Don't Make Your Kids Smoke
The reasons to quit smoking keep adding up. If you're a parent who smokes, the secondhand smoke your children inhale may contribute to bladder problems.