AddictionsInfo Center

Pregnancy: A Good Time to Quit Smoking
One of the best opportunities for women to quit smoking for good is during pregnancy, when ending the bad habit benefits not only them but their unborn child as well.
American vs. EU = It's a Draw
Ready for some good news about teenagers and smoking and drinking? Kids in the U.S. are doing less of both than their peers across the pond.
Taxes and Laws Help Moms Quit
If death and taxes are the only things in the world that are inevitable, then one is actually slowing down the other in this case.
Early Arrival May Affect Mental Health
Babies born ahead of their time might need more than tiny clothes. They may also require parents to be more vigilant for signs of developing mental illness in their children.
Chantix Safe for Schizophrenics
A lot of people with schizophrenia smoke cigarettes. Clinically stable schizophrenics who took Chantix didn’t show an increase in symptoms, but they were more likely to quit smoking.
Genes, Meds & Smoking
What if different smoking cessation methods were needed for smokers with different genes? This could mean that not all smokers would find success with the same approaches to quitting.
Smoking Increases Surgical Costs
Smoking before and after surgery brings with it a whole host of complications. Quitting smoking, even just one year before surgery can yield outcomes that compare to non-smokers.
You Are When You Eat
If munching around the clock is your norm, you may be finding the numbers on the scale going up. But it's not how much you're eating. It's when you're eating it.
Cobbler Not So Peachy
Before you reach for a second helping of peach cobbler with vanilla bean ice cream this weekend, you might want to consider how all that sugar will hit your brain cells.
Risky Behaviors & Risky Business
When researchers suggest that kids who listen to their music too loudly are more likely to drink and do drugs, the first thought might be that researchers are uptight.