BabyInfo Center
Hard Work When Carrying a Baby
While a certain amount of physical activity is healthy during pregnancy, women have to be careful not to overexert themselves. Finding that line can be tough in a demanding job.
No HIV Risk with Hormonal Injections
Sexually active women may wonder which form of birth control is the best way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Condom use is the most effective way to prevent HIV infection, says the nation’s top health agency.
A Chance to Help Kids' Mental Health
Child welfare agencies can do more than investigate families under suspicion of abuse or neglect of a child. They could help identify children at higher risk for mental health problems.
Hearing Loss Greater in Kids With HIV
Children born to mothers with HIV can live fulfilling lives even if they become infected with HIV. But it's important to know what conditions the children are at a greater risk of developing.
Better Way to Save Babies from HIV
Pregnant women with HIV can take an antiretroviral regimen to lower the risk of giving their babies HIV. But what about women who don't know they have HIV until they give birth?
Alcohol During Pregnancy - Whats the Question?
To drink or not to drink? Such is the question for many expectant moms who would love to have that single glass of wine but worry about its impact on their developing baby.
Are You Passing HIV on to Your Baby
One key to preventing the spread of any infectious disease is teaching people how to avoid giving it to others. But when it comes to HIV, there is often confusion about this.
A Way to Preserve Itsy Bitsy Eyes
Being born too early comes with various possible health risks, including a form of blindness called retinopathy of prematurity that afflicts about half of babies born before 28 weeks.
Parental Conflicts Create Child’s Problems
A child’s first glimpse of the world is through his or her parents. These early experiences will significantly shape who he or she become later in life, and marital problems may have long lasting negative effects.
An Uphill Battle with a Baby on the Way
As if low-income, HIV-positive, pregnant women don't have enough on their plates, many also have to contend with depression - though it's possible not enough doctors are noticing.