DiabetesInfo Center

The Cost of Repression
The mind-body connection has interested people for centuries with more and more research showing that the two are completely connected.
Parenting a Child With Diabetes
Each year, more than 30,000 people, both children and adults, are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. When a person is diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes, which often happens in childhood, an entire lifestyle change is needed.
Eye Damage in Type 1 Plus Celiac
Celiac disease (a condition that damages the small intestine) may boost the risk of type 1 diabetes. But that may not be where the damage ends. Celiac disease could lead to problems down the road for diabetes patients.
Is Diabetes Making Brains Smaller?
While the size of your head may not matter so much, the size of your brain does. If parts of your brain get smaller, you may be faced with brain function problems. Diabetes may play a role in this process.
Diabetes Genetic Risk?
If you are overweight or obese, you may be at risk of diabetes. Eating healthy and regular exercise can help you lose weight and prevent diabetes. Can knowing your genetic risk also prevent diabetes?
Does Blood Sugar Really Shrink the Brain?
As you grow old, your brain may shrink, leading to problems with memory. In the past, brain shrinkage has been tied to diabetes. Now, new research suggests that brain shrinkage may start well before the onset of diabetes.
Which Test Best Spots Diabetes?
There are many tests used to diagnose prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. These same tests can also give doctors a picture of patients' blood sugar control and risk of heart problems. But which tests work best?
Spotting the Ethnic Gap in Diabetes
Studies have shown that the risk of diabetes may be different for people from different racial and ethnic backgrounds. Yet researchers are still not sure when this gap begins.
No Pancreas? You Can Control Diabetes
Your pancreas is the organ that makes insulin - a hormone that plays a key role in diabetes control. Without a pancreas, controlling diabetes could be difficult; at least that's what doctors thought.
Lung Risk in Diabetes Drug of Choice
Along the road to improving diabetes care, both doctors and scientists have disagreed about which treatments are best. Now, there is disagreement about the safety of one of the most common diabetes drugs.