DiabetesInfo Center
Dapagliflozin may Control Diabetes
There are many types of diabetes drugs. Each drug is different and will have different effects depending on the patient. In the search for another way to control blood sugar, scientists are testing a new drug.
Diabetes Death Risk Unexplained
People with diabetes have a higher risk of death than those who don't. It is generally thought that this heightened death risk is caused by traditional risk factors like obesity and heart problems.
Diabetes and Barbershops
Even though it is clear that certain lifestyle changes can prevent heart disease and diabetes, many people still do not make these needed changes. The barbershop may be one place to convince people to change.
RA Patients Get Good Care in Surgery
People with rheumatoid arthritis may face a higher risk of heart problems. This increased risk means that patients need to be screened for risks before surgery. Are current screening methods enough?
Heavier Babies May Face Future Diabetes
From the moment you are born, your weight has an impact on your health. If your baby is overweight, he or she may be in store for health problems in the future.
Higher Blood Sugar Helps Heart Failure
Most people with diabetes need to lower their blood sugar levels to get healthy. Diabetes patients with heart failure, on the other hand, may do better if they keep their blood sugar a little high.
Diabetics Live Better Through Exercise
Exercise is one of the most important parts of managing diabetes. It helps you shed pounds and control blood sugar. Exercise may even save your life.
Type 2 Tough to Treat in Teens
As childhood obesity becomes more common, so does diabetes in youth. With all the risks linked to diabetes, it is important that these children get their blood sugar under control - a task that is not always easy.
Low "Good" Cholesterol Bad in Diabetes
If you have diabetes, you could end up having problems in many parts of the body, including the heart, kidneys or eyes. If you want to protect yourself against these problems, you may need to keep a closer eye on your cholesterol.
Stents for Diabetes?
Narrowed blood vessels can be treated using stents - a sort of scaffolding that widens the vessels. There are different types of stents, each working slightly differently. So, which type works best in diabetes patients?