Infectious DiseaseInfo Center
HPV Shots Empower the Community
One of the benefits of immunization is that a large enough population of vaccinated individuals can often provide protection even for those not vaccinated in the community.
Fungus is No Fun for Lupus Patients
On their own, fungal infections can be dangerous, even deadly. But researchers are still unclear about the effects of fungal infections in patients with lupus.
What Cat Litter & Suicide Have in Common
Among the various things pregnant women generally should avoid is changing kitty litter, which may seem oddly random in a list with alcohol, undercooked meat, soft cheeses and smoking.
Roots of Child Epilepsy are Clearer
It is difficult and scary when your child is experiencing seizures. It is reassuring to know that researchers are working hard to find the causes and treatments.
Bacteria 'down there' linked to HIV
At the beginning of the AIDS epidemic, HIV was universally a man's disease - spread among men in the gay community. Today, women constitute half of the world's infections. Why?
More Cancers Associated with HPV?
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is probably most notorious for causing cervical cancer. The list of cancers associated with HPV has grown recently, and a new study may add two more cancer types to the list.
Only One Pill a Day for HIV Treatment
HIV positive patients take a daily 'cocktail' of antiretroviral drugs that help keep the virus at bay. If they don't take every pill strictly as prescribed, the effectiveness is reduced.
HIV Testing Coming to Pharmacies
If you could walk into your local pharmacy and get tested for HIV as easily as you get your annual flu shot, would you be more likely to learn your status?
No HIV Risk with Hormonal Injections
Sexually active women may wonder which form of birth control is the best way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Condom use is the most effective way to prevent HIV infection, says the nation’s top health agency.
Office Space Germs
Most Americans spend 90 percent of their time indoors, right along with 500 different kinds of bacteria. The majority of the bacteria come from human bodies.