Infectious DiseaseInfo Center
Can Travel Make Athletes Sick?
There may be more to home field advantage than just familiar surroundings and local fans. Crossing a few time zones more than doubled some athletes’ sick days.
Going to the Fair? Stay Away from Pigs
A day at the county fair is one of the hallmarks of summer in America. But you might want to skip the pig races this year: new swine flu cases have been linked to pigs at agricultural fairs.
Watch Out for West Nile This Summer
An outbreak of West Nile virus is one of those summer rituals we don't look forward to. Unfortunately, in some parts of the country, the virus is making itself more present than usual.
Depression and Caring for Sepsis
Severe sepsis is a life-threatening event that can often leave a patient disabled. Spouses of severe sepsis patients have reported experiencing increased levels of depression.
Drug-Resistant HIV Threatens Africa
HIV won't go down without a fight. Even as calls for the “end of AIDS” become stronger and more optimistic, scientists have found that HIV drug resistance is rising in Africa.
Diabetes Ups Risk After Joint Surgery
A hip or knee replacement may rid you of your arthritis pain. But you may also run the risk of infection after surgery.
Doctor-Patient Discussion Can Reduce Antibiotic Use
Many people are prescribed antibiotics for acute respiratory infections, such as the common cold. But are the antibiotics prescribed doing more harm than good?
Learn to Battle HIV
A key to slowing down the spread of HIV is to track the rate of transmission among various subgroups of sexually active individuals. Recent news about one group is sobering.
HPV Testing for HIV-positive Women
Women who are HIV-positive have a high risk of developing cervical cancer. For this reason, these women are advised to go through frequent screenings - which often reveal nothing.
Can Twitter Predict Your Flu Shot?
Tweets about vaccines tend to carry strong opinions in 140 characters. If you follow a Twitter user who is against vaccination, what's the chance that you or your family won't get shots?