Infectious DiseaseInfo Center
Signs No Longer Point to Pandemic
MERS, the latest virus to spark global concern, has had health officials worldwide nervous about possible widespread outbreaks. But new research may ease concerns.
Single Guys and Smokers Going Viral
Viruses are interesting bugs. Just because you catch one doesn’t mean it will make you sick. That said, being infected with a virus many times can lead to health issues. And for one virus, that issue could be cancer.
Coughing up an Explanation for Diabetes
The number of children diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes has been rising. Sometimes, the disease is inherited. But sometimes, factors other than genes are involved in causing diabetes.
Two-for-One Deal with Antibiotic
It's a "twofer": who knew that a medicine used for fighting infections could also be a pain reliever for surgery?
When Summer Brings West Nile Virus
As summer begins, many may remember the West Nile outbreak that occurred in the summer of 2012. The CDC just released a review of that outbreak and how to avoid another.
Mismatched Flu Strains? No Problem
Each year a new flu vaccine is created to try to match up with the strains of flu that are going around. What happens if the flu vaccine isn't a perfect match for the strain of virus it's fighting?
Achoo! It’s Not Just the Flu
Many of us have had the flu before and recovered completely. But some people can get very sick due to complications.
Everyday Is a Good Day for HIV Testing
If you want to play a role in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS, there are two great ways to do so. First, get tested. Next, get involved in this year's National HIV Testing Day.
An Okay Shot for Pregnant Moms
A pregnant woman should stay as healthy as possible to keep her baby safe and healthy. This includes protecting herself from infectious diseases.
Can't Have an Omelette, but can Still Get the Flu Shot
The flu vaccine is one vital part of reducing your risk of flu. But what if you're allergic to eggs, which are used to make flu vaccines? There's a new option for you.