Infectious DiseaseInfo Center
Berries Blamed for Hepatitis A Outbreak
Organic fruit may be produced without chemicals or pesticides, but that doesn't mean it is immune from being contaminated with foodborne illness.
Scrub-A-Dub-Dub Those Hands
Washing your hands after using the restroom is one of the most basic and important rules of hygiene. But that does not mean everyone actually does it — or does it correctly.
Clean Eating is a Serious Matter
Food should fuel us and give us energy, not make us sick. But when certain bacteria gets involved, food can cause some serious problems in the body.
When Babies Are Forced to Smoke
Some babies may be more likely than others to develop respiratory infections. This is especially true of babies prone to allergies. Secondhand smoke can make the situation worse.
Italy Discovers MERS Patients
The number of countries being affected by MERS-CoV (Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus), continues to grow, further putting officials worldwide on alert.
Some Antibiotics May Injure Male Kidneys
Antibiotics fight off a broad range of bacterial infections. In middle-aged and older men, however, certain kinds of antibiotics may cause the kidneys to start shutting down.
Good News for Children's Lungs
Young children can become ill with a variety of respiratory infections. One common illness is bronchiolitis. The good news is that serious bronchiolitis rates may be going down.
Skipping Shots for Religious Reasons?
Not all children are required to get their immunizations. Some do not get them for health reasons or for religious reasons. But these children may be more likely to get sick.
Partners of Oral Cancer Patients Can Sigh
The human papillomavirus (HPV) is one nasty bug. It’s a sexually transmitted virus that’s linked to a variety of cancers, including cancer of the throat. Does this cancer diagnosis endanger patients' partners?
Interfering with ICU Infections
Entering the hospital for one reason but having to prolong your stay due to infection is not an uncommon event. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the more notorious causes for these infections.