Mental HealthInfo Center
Traumatic Brain Injury ER Visits Saw a Jump
A bang on the head that can lead to temporary memory loss is not just a Hollywood creation. A new study showed these brain injuries are not only real, but also may be causing more hospital visits.
Cognitive Costs of Chemical Exposure
Certain laundry detergents, wall paints, patio furniture varnishes and other products for indoor and outdoor home upkeep leach sometimes dangerous fumes. Those fumes’ negative health effects may be lasting.
Many College Students Smoke Pot and Drive
Parents worry about their kids going off to college and drinking and driving. While this is a real concern, there may be another substance they should be worrying about.
Parents May Pass Down Bad Habits
The risks of smoking can extend beyond your own health and that of individuals breathing the secondhand smoke. They may extend to your children's choices as well.
Skip the Smokes But Pass My Meds
The most common medications used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are stimulants. Tobacco is also a stimulant, so would taking medication reduce smoking among those with ADHD?
Better Mental Health, Less Crime
People with mental illnesses are more likely to be victims of crimes than to commit violent crimes. But there remain some outliers among those with psychiatric disorders who do commit violent crimes.
Meeting UN Health Goals Could Save Millions of Lives
Some of the biggest killers worldwide are diseases that can largely be prevented: heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, cancers and diabetes. But it will require some effort.
Better Sleep for Better Survival
Sufficient sleep is essential to all aspects of a person's health. And for people not in good health, such as those living with cancer, good sleep might mean living a little longer.
Cognitive Troubles in Women Who Had Premature Menopause
Many women who have already had children may be pleased when they stop menstruating for good. But for women who stop a decade before 50, such premature menopause may lead to problems later on.
Not All Alzheimer's Patients Have Memory Loss
Alzheimer’s disease typically affects the area of the brain involved in memory. However, there’s a less common type of Alzheimer’s in which memory loss is not the main symptom.