Mental HealthInfo Center

Getting the Full Picture with ADHD
One of the challenges of identifying and treating children with mental health conditions is figuring out what symptoms are related to the condition. This is especially true with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorders.
Autism: A Family Affair
Researchers have searched for possible causes of autism in just about every area imaginable. But it appears that at least part of the cause may be within a child's genes.
Many Parents Not Following Safe Sleep Practices for Babies
One of the most frightening concerns of parents with new babies is sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS. But safe sleeping practices can reduce the risk of SIDS.
Pregnant Mom Lights Up, Baby's Heart at Risk
It's not news that smoking during pregnancy is a bad idea. But researchers are still learning the various ways it can affect a developing baby.
Substance Abuse at School May Mean Other Problems
Although it's no secret that teens may experiment with alcohol or marijuana, more than 5 percent of them smoke pot or drink alcohol on school campuses.
Meds Vs. Therapy for Mental Illness
There are two main ways to treat mental illness: medication and therapy. Often, these are combined, but other times patients choose one or another. Which is best?
Tummy Troubles in Kids with Autism
It's often thought that children with autism also tend to have more stomach trouble than other children. But is that really the case?
High Dose Antidepressants May Make Youth More Depressed
Antidepressants have been linked to suicidal thoughts and self-harming behaviors among children and young adults. However, it may not be medication itself that leads to these behaviors.
History of Brain Injury High Among the Homeless
Homelessness is a complex problem with many causes, often including mental illness and alcohol and drug addiction. There may be another component to homelessness shared by many.
Physical Signs of Depression May Be Common in ICU
Recovering from trauma and a lengthy ICU stay might make some people depressed. But their depression may not display itself as one might expect, a new study has found.