Patient Safety EducationInfo Center

Sleep Rx Raises Risk of Falling
Doctors often give medications like Ambien to help people sleep while they are in the hospital. But taking any sleep enhancement product may raise the risk of falling while walking around, which can lead to injury.
Reading and Teen Pregnancy
Social inequality has long been linked to higher rates of teen pregnancy, but can anything be specifically targeted to help prevent teen pregnancy?
More on the Bench for an Injury
For an athlete, injuries not only mean pain and discomfort but time away from practice and play until the doctor gives the green light.
Injured Down There
It's a man's worst nightmare: getting hit in the you-know-what. Females can get hurt along the same areas, too.
Don't Be a Hard Head!
Hitting the slopes shouldn't involve hitting your head. Though helmets may be bulky and make hearing more difficult, wearing one can protect your noggin and your life.
Cell Phones Helped Slow RA
Cell phones have dramatically changed how we live our lives, from the way we communicate to how we organize our schedules. Now, it looks like cell phones may help arthritis patients stick to their treatment plans.
Get Smart About Antibiotics Week
Do you know what antibiotic resistance is? Do you know why it is an important problem? Do you know what you can do to help combat this problem?
Age, Sex, Income and Cancer
Catching cancer early always offers the best outlook. So why are some cancers caught at later and at more advanced stages? And what can be done to change the patterns?
Brazil: No-Smoking Capital
When it comes to tobacco cessation, Brazil is the poster child for success. Brazil provides a great model for cutting smoking in half in 20 years at no financial burden to the nation.
Bows and Arrows as Teaching Tools?
What do Legolas , Robin Hood, and Katniss Everdeen have in common? They all use a bow and arrow. With recent movies, books and the London games focusing on archery, kids are following this fad in record numbers.