Patient Safety EducationInfo Center

Keep an Eye on Your Contact Lens Solution
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning consumers about contact lens solutions with hydrogen peroxide.
Knee or Hip Pain? This Common Rx May Not Help
Acetaminophen, widely used to treat pain and fever, may not effectively relieve osteoarthritis pain in the hip or knee or improve physical function, a new study found.
Sepsis Has a New Definition
Despite being a major public health concern, the definition of sepsis has not been reevaluated in nearly 15 years — until now that is.
Is a PET Scan the Right Option for You?
For cancer survivors, vigilance is a key part of remaining cancer free. But new evidence suggests one cancer detection tool is being overused — and that isn’t helping anyone.
Overdoses From This Rx May Be on the Rise
Opioid overdoses aren’t the only kind of overdose.
A New Bacteria Is Spreading Lyme Disease
Only one bacterial species has been credited for causing Lyme disease in humans — until now.
A New Rx for Chronic Sinusitis
Scientists don't know exactly what causes nasal polyps to grow. But they may have developed an effective treatment for these bothersome growths.
In Late Preterm Births, This Rx Could Help Baby's Lungs
Doctors have prescribed steroids to pregnant women at risk of preterm delivery for decades. But what about those at risk of late preterm delivery?
What Would You Risk for a Tan?
Many young women use tanning beds before swimsuit season begins to get some extra color. But these women may want to opt for a safer method.
Heart Attack in Women: The New Findings
Women and men differ in many obvious ways. One not so obvious difference has to do with their hearts.