Patient Safety EducationInfo Center
Staying Afloat While Summer Swimming
Many American families are planning on swimming in areas without lifeguards this summer. To make things worse, very few of them have water safety knowledge.
Helping Hot Kiddos
Parents often wonder what they should do when their child has a fever. Should they give the child medication? Will that help, or could that hurt?
Young and Tired Behind the Wheel
The message not to drink and drive has been effectively promoted for years. The message not to drive after too little sleep has been slower to get out – but it's just as important.
Turn It Up To Tune Stress Out
Hospitals can be chaotic. Critically ill patients may have less anxiety and need fewer sedatives if they’re allowed to listen to their own choice of music through headphones.
Understanding the Risks of Co-sleeping
Sleep issues quickly become front and center for the majority of new parents. One of the decisions they face is where their newborn will sleep and how to reduce the risk of SIDS.
Men Win Care Over Women
In some places, women receive more attention and care than men. But when it comes to seeking care for severe injuries, men may be likelier to get more attention at the hospital for the same injuries.
Stay Safe and Clean During Summer Swims
A great way to cool off in the summer heat is a dip in a swimming pool. If you visit public pools, though, take the steps necessary to protect yourself and others from bacteria.
Rx That Put a Wrench in the Works
Several medications that help with common ailments could contain chemicals that get in the way of memory function. Communicating about these risks with a healthcare provider may help improve safety.
Mosquitoes Pose Summer Threat
As summer weather brings warmth and humidity, many parts of the country will soon be experiencing mosquito season. Though most mosquito bites are simply an itchy annoyance, there's still the possibility of serious illness.
Leaving the Nest with Special Needs
Millions of children grow up with long-term health conditions. They will need to continue receiving care as adults, but are they ready to take on that responsibility?