Health News

Baby's Gender May Bump up Mom's Diabetes Risk
Expecting moms face a list of possible health concerns, including the risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy. But for those having baby boys, the odds may be even higher.
FDA: Diabetes Rx May Pose Serious Health Risk
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is warning that the type 2 diabetes medicines canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, and empagliflozin may lead to ketoacidosis, a serious condition where the body produces high levels of blood acids called ketones that may require hospitalization.
Got Diabetes? Quit Smoking, but Take Care
If you smoke, quit! If you're a smoker who has diabetes, however, you may need to more closely monitor your blood sugar after you quit.
What Swapping Sweet for Unsweet May Do for Your Health
A decision as simple as whether to add sugar to your coffee could have a long-term impact on your risk for one chronic health condition.
Strategies That May Keep Your Brain Sharp
Everybody gets older — not just the body, but also the brain. There are, however, some things you can do that may help keep your thought processes humming along despite the extra mileage.
An Aspirin a Day: Benefits and Risks
Aspirin use is surging among older adults. The question is whether that’s a good thing.
Diabetes, Depression, Dementia: How They May Be Linked
Diabetes and depression are both challenging yet common chronic diseases in the US. Together, they may pose an additional risk to mental health.
Diabetes Screening Might Not Help Everyone
Screening may be one of the best ways to catch and fight diseases like cancer early, but the effectiveness of screening for diabetes may be a little less clear in some patients.
Another Possible Factor in Autism Risk
Many factors during pregnancy can affect a baby's development. Among those factors may be gestational diabetes, which could affect your baby's neurological development.
How Stressful Events Could Affect Kids' Health
Dealing with big stressors early in life could affect more than just mental health in kids.