Health News

Fingernails: The Crystal Balls of Health
Some people think of fingernails as a fashion accessory, while others barely give them any thought at all. But your fingernails can be an impressive gauge of your overall health.
How to Manage Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes can have serious consequences for mother and baby. Fortunately, diagnosis, monitoring and treatment can reduce those consequences.
How the Two Types of Diabetes Differ
Chances are that someone you know and care about has diabetes. Diabetes is common in the US, but despite high rates, there is still plenty of public confusion about the two main types of this disease.
Meeting UN Health Goals Could Save Millions of Lives
Some of the biggest killers worldwide are diseases that can largely be prevented: heart disease, chronic respiratory disease, cancers and diabetes. But it will require some effort.
Small Doses of Exercise Kept Blood Sugar in Line
People who are insulin resistant are unable to turn their blood sugar into energy and can be at risk for diabetes. It’s possible that significantly better blood sugar control can be achieved with a few simple steps.
Antibiotic Improved Diabetic Eye Disease
For those with diabetes, eye diseases like diabetic retinopathy are a concern. One anti-inflammatory agent may offer relief for sore eyes.
Smoking Affects More Than Your Lungs
Lung cancer and emphysema are usually at the top of the list of smoking risks, but there are many more ways smoking can harm the body.
Ensuring the Right Nighttime Insulin Flow
Seizures triggered by severely low blood sugar levels tend to occur when diabetes patients are asleep. Figuring out how to better regulate those blood sugar levels during sleeping hours has been an important aspect of diabetes care.
Diabetes Has Increased in US Youth
Type 1 diabetes usually occurs in childhood. But more children are now getting type 2 diabetes, and the rates of both seem to be rising.
FDA Advises Against Use of GenStrip Blood Sugar Test Strips
GenStrip Blood Glucose Test Strips, sold by Shasta Technologies LLC, are "third-party" blood glucose monitoring test strips—this means that the test strips are not made by the same company as the meter with which they are used.