Health News
Real World Blood Sugar Control
The main goal of diabetes treatment is to get blood sugar levels under control. From lifestyle changes to prescription drugs, there are a number of ways to manage blood sugar. How well do these methods work?
Going Too Low With Diabetes
High blood sugar is not the only concern for people with diabetes. Low blood sugar levels can be just as dangerous. In fact, it can be deadly if left uncontrolled.
Ongoing Diabetes Support
Diabetes does not go away in a couple days. It lasts for years, even a lifetime. For this reason, patients need continuous support from their family and friends.
Walking Away From Breast Cancer
A drug used to treat diabetes to might work on different kinds of cancer. One day, that may include breast cancer.
Sleep Apnea and Diabetes Ganging Up
If you have sleep apnea, it may be worth having your blood sugar checked as well to see if you're at risk for Type 2 diabetes.
Long-Term Insulin is Fine for the Heart
For years, it was thought that long-term use of insulin caused heart disease in diabetes patients. Now, it looks like that belief may no longer hold weight.
Control Sugar Now, Stop Diabetes Later
Millions of Americans suffer from diabetes, and millions more have pre-diabetes. Research says diet and exercise can prevent diabetes. But many pre-diabetes patients find it hard to commit to changes.
Defining Prediabetes and Stroke Risk
It is already well established that people with diabetes are more likely to suffer stroke. But even before you develop full-fledged diabetes, you could have a higher risk of stroke.
Waist Size Signals Diabetes Risk
The ability to predict diabetes is key to preventing the disease. But some of the tests that predict diabetes can be expensive.
Measuring waist size may be a cheap and easy way to identify people at risk of diabetes.
People with a large waist circumference may have an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. A large waist circumference was especially associated with diabetes in women.
Exercise often and eat healthy to prevent diabetes.
Obesity is the main cause of diabetes worldwide. Yet diabetes often develops in people who are overweight but not obese. While diet and exercise ca...
Diabetes Linked to Blood Cancers
Doctors have to carefully watch their diabetes patients for other serious health problems like kidney disease and heart disease. Now, it seems doctors should keep an eye out for blood cancers as well.