Health News

Good Sleep is Good for the Heart
Treating sleep apnea does more than ensure you get enough good quality sleep. It might also help protect you from getting a heart attack.
Sleep Apnea Linked to Hyperactivity in Youth
Children who have issues with sleep—whether it is too much or too little—need their problems addressed in order to prevent disruptions during the day, studies suggest.  
Bad Sleep May Mean Bad Memory
Do you get enough sleep? Do you wake up frequently in the middle of the night? Sleep problems could lead to memory problems later in life and make you more likely to have Alzheimer’s disease.
Good Night, Sleep Tight, Breathe Right
The standard therapy for obstructive sleep apnea isn't just for adults: children as young as 7 years old can reap significant benefits even from inconsistent use of PAP.
Sleep Well, Hunger Less
If you're feeling hungrier than usual, take a look at your sleeping habits - are you getting enough sleep? If not, that may be the reason for the extra appetite.
Good Sleep Helps Keep a Heart Healthy
Obstructive sleep apnea is already known to increase the risk of cardiovascular problems in men, but women appear to be at risk of heart attack if they have sleep apnea as well.
Let Sleeping Teens Lie
Teenagers with Type 1 diabetes may not be getting enough quality sleep, leading to higher blood sugar levels and academic and behavior problems.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Link with XMRV Questioned
Chronic fatigue syndrome ( CFS ) is a complex disorder that affects more than one million Americans. A couple of years ago, a study was released that claimed that XMRV (a gammaretrovirus ) was a contributing factor in developing CFS . But now, scientists say that is not the case.
Staying on top of Sleep Apnea Treatment
Some people have the occasional insomnia or trouble staying asleep. Others suffer from the more serious disorder, sleep apnea, which causes the airways to restrict or collapse and interfere with breathing.
Exercise Means Better Sleep
It's no secret that you feel better when you're well-rested, or that you'll be healthier if you get some exercise. But what you may not know is that the two go hand in hand together.