Health News

Poor Sleep Hits Below the Belt
Do you go to the bathroom more than you should have to? Are you having sexual health issues? These problems could be tied to poor sleep. According to two recent studies, sleep habits indicated your health status.
Taking out Tonsils for Kids' Hearts
Hey, kids! Do you want to eat ice cream for a week and protect your heart health? Well, research shows that getting your tonsils removed might let you do just that.
Breathing Better Helps Their Hearts
For many people, having sleep apnea just makes it hard to sleep. For many others it can lead to dangerous heart problems. Now, research shows that a certain treatment can lower the risk of heart-related death in some sleep apnea patients.
Shocker: Turbulent Teen Brains Like Adults
Parents have known since almost the dawn of time that teens are turbulent. Teens tend to be impulsive and their moods, desires, and drives are constantly changing. Scientists have now found a constant.
Marital Discord Disruptive to Infants Sleep
Happy homes make happy children. Can one say the same thing about infants? Infants in a home where marital strife abides have a much more difficult time getting restful sleep, according to a new study from Oregon State University.
Sleep Deprivation Causes Risky Financial Choices
Casinos know sleepy people can make poor decisions. Using functional MRI scans, we now know which regions of the brain work best without sleep. And which brain regions assess positive outcomes.
Sleeping Beauty's BMI
Everyone has heard a southern belle exclaim, “I NEED MY BEAUTY SLEEP”. Well, apparently, she wasn’t just whistlin’ Dixie.
Kids Need Z's
Insufficient and disorganized sleep puts kids at higher risk of developing obesity and other health conditions, which may be able to be mitigated by "catch up" sleep on weekends and holidays.
Snoring Away Your Money
A study by the University of Copenhagen analyzed the economic consequences and personal financial toll that sleep-related breathing disorders take on society and individual patients suffering from these problems.
Tonsil Removal May Affect Breathing
Sleep studies are being used to study children who have undergone tonsil and adenoid removal surgery to detect possible respiratory complications.