Health News

How Women's Hearts Respond to Statins
Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women, and statins are one of the most common methods for preventing it. However, not many women-specific studies on statins exist.
The Pill and Cancer Risks
Women who carry mutations in the BRCA genes have higher risks for both breast and ovarian cancer. One way to reduce these risks is to have both their ovaries and breasts surgically removed. A new analysis looked at another possible way — birth control pills.
Navigating the Breast Cancer Journey
When a woman learns she has breast cancer, she may go into something of a twilight zone. She might be in shock for a while, stunned to learn she has a disease every woman fears.
The Weight of Surviving Breast Cancer
Being overweight or obese can increase one’s odds for a number of diseases, including cancer. But it's not only weight that can affect cancer risk; ethnicity may play a role as well.
Eating Plants to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk
Eating nutritious fruits and vegetables is an important part of keeping your body strong and healthy. A new study shows that a plant-based diet may also play a role in preventing cancer.
Numbing Breast Cancer Numbers
Most breast cancers are treated with surgery to remove either the tumor or the breast itself. Either operation requires some form of anesthesia to numb the body from pain and put the patient to sleep. New research suggests the type of anesthesia used during breast cancer surgery may affect outcomes.
Double-Pronged Attack on Ovarian Cancer
Sometimes cancer needs more than one kind of treatment to shrink or disappear. That’s why treatment often includes a mixture of surgery, radiation and/or chemotherapy. In a recent study, ovarian cancer responded to a double-pronged attack.
Having a Snack Between Contractions?
Typically, pregnant women are discouraged from eating while in labor because of possible risks. But that "rule" may be loosening some.
A Bone to Pick for Postmenopausal Women
As women age, osteoporosis — a condition that makes the bones weak and more likely to break — becomes a greater concern. As a result, preventing osteoporosis may become more important for older women. 
Multivitamins May Supplement Cancer Survival
About a third of Americans take a multivitamin with minerals — the most commonly used type of dietary supplement in the US. A new study looked at the impact of this use on breast cancer survival.