Health News

Hormones Boosts Prediabetes Risk
Your body is complex. One problematic organ can affect an entirely different organ or system. If you let one disease run its course, you may be faced with another health problem, then another.
Too Much Coffee Disrupts Fertility
If you're trying to have a baby with fertility treatments, there's no reason to skip your morning cup of coffee...but keep the refills to a minimum.
Can Too Much Fat Damage Your Eggs?
Women undergoing in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) should be aware that their diet may affect their eggs. 
Why Bigger Isn't Always Better
We're obsessed with size in this country. And when it comes to breasts, size matters - a lot. Yet bigger is not always better in terms of breast cancer risks.
Being Unable to Conceive
The stress of dealing with infertility take both a physical and emotional toll on women's bodies. Now, there's evidence that this stress can lead to mental health conditions as well.
Unveiling the Secrets of Breast Cancer
Scientists are pulling back the veil on breast cancer and realizing that it's a far more complicated disease than anyone ever thought.
Are Lesbians in More Danger Than Straight Women?
Did you know that lesbian and bisexual women report the highest rates of abuse and assault among women? A focus on gender presentation within this group may lead to better support methods.
Fewer Women in Their 40s Having Mammograms
It was standard practice - women had their first mammograms at the age of 40. That changed in 2009 when the US Preventive Services Task Force ( USPSTF ) recommended against mammograms for this age group.
The Best Baby Food Money Can't Buy
When expecting, it can be nerve-wracking to consider all the changes going on in your life and how to be ready to take care of this new, tiny, amazing creature.
Mental Health Meds During Pregnancy
Taking medications during pregnancy is an important decision for a woman. It requires a risk-benefit analysis regarding the value of the drug for the mother versus the possible effects on the fetus.