Health News

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Vitamin D in Pregnancy
There may not be enough evidence to support current recommendations on taking vitamin D supplements during pregnancy, according to a new study.
Obesity in Pregnancy Tied to Bigger Babies
Being obese during pregnancy may raise the likelihood of your infant being apparently bigger, according to a new study.
How More Exercise Might Help Older Women
For older women, exercising more and doing so more vigorously could lead to a reduced risk of death, according to a new study.
Gestational Diabetes and Your Heart
Pregnant women who experience gestational diabetes may have an increased risk of heart disease later on, a new study found.
The Burden of Postpartum Depression
Many women may deal with postpartum depression and similar disorders for years after giving birth, a new study found.
Get Help Managing Your Glucose w/a Basal Insulin Option.
Sometimes your Medicare coverage may not cover all of your medical needs. For those who need additional coverage, there is supplemental insurance you can purchase. To find the right Supplement plan that fits your health care needs and budget, compare 27 highly-rated Medicare Supplement Plans .
Learn About an FDA Approved Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis
The Threat of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) may be relatively common, according to a new study.