Health News
Unnecessary Rx for Anorexia
There are no medications approved to treat anorexia nervosa, but often patients are given psychotropic meds anyway. These meds have multiple side-effects and no clear benefit.
Less Social With Eating Disorders
Eating disorders often go hand-in-hand with anxiety and isolation. So much so, that helping people with eating disorders learn to enjoy social interaction could improve the illness.
Ice Reflections on Eating and Image
When figure skaters fall, they typically don't have much to protect their bones naturally from damage since they're under such pressure to be thin.
Binge Eating Lowers Work Productivity
A company is only as good as its workforce. Getting the most out of workers could be optimized with binge eating interventions and obesity health initiatives.
Loss of Control: Food, Drugs & Depression
Binge eating may be a predictor of marijuana and other drug use and depression. The good news is binge eating can be successfully treated.
Bulimia From Stress
Girls can tear up their bodies in reaction to stress, especially if they have impulsive personality traits. Teaching positive coping methods may help these girls avoid eating disorders.
Teach ‘Em When They’re Young
Compared to teenagers, it’s easier to get kids to break bad eating habits and start exercising. The earlier kids can learn to be healthy, the better chance they will have of staying that way.
Seek Specialists’ Help for Anorexia
Anorexia and bulimia are serious medical conditions. Seeking treatment from a qualified and experienced authority can greatly improve outcomes.
Skinny Genes
The media has been taking all the blame for the existence of anorexia, but genetics may play a role as well. This discovery could influence anorexia treatment plans in the future.
Sleep and Overeating While Pregnant
Pregnancy is notorious for causing women difficulty with sleeping — though not as notorious as the months after the baby arrives. Having an eating disorder can worsen the problem.