Health News
Treat Kids’ Sleep Apnea Without Surgery
Sleep apnea in children can lead to serious health problems. Many children don't like to wear masks for treatment, and parents may not want them to have surgery.
If Mama is Snoring...
Just as snoring is associated more often with men than women, so is sleep apnea. Since snoring and sleep apnea are related, does that mean women don't get sleep apnea as frequently?
Fatal Codeine Side Effects Risk for Kids
Surgery to remove a child's tonsils or adenoids to treat sleep apnea is a relatively low-risk procedure. But the pain relief offered after the surgery requires careful supervision.
Little Snorers Can Have Big Behaviors
It may seem cute sometimes when babies snore, like their adorable yawns and sneezes. But persistent snoring in children may be a sign of later behavior problems.
Get Your Zzz's Before Getting Vaccines
Insufficient sleep can make it harder for your body to fight illnesses, but it can also make it easier for your body to get sick in the first place.
Doing Life in Slow Motion
So you think you function just fine on five or six hours of sleep each night? Chances are, you just don't realize you're moving slightly slower.
Long-Term Implications of Poor Sleep
The list of ways sleep can affect a person's health is almost endless. Yet the quality and amount of sleep people get also affects their future.
Daytime Sleepiness Treatable with CPAP
The most common treatment for severe obstructive sleep apnea is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). But what about those with mild sleep apnea or excessive daytime sleepiness?
Hormones Boosts Prediabetes Risk
Your body is complex. One problematic organ can affect an entirely different organ or system. If you let one disease run its course, you may be faced with another health problem, then another.
Boost Your Memory While You Sleep
Trying to master “Call Me Maybe” on piano? You might want to try playing the song on your stereo while you’re asleep.