Health News
Recognizing Heart Risks in Black Women
While death rates for men with heart disease have dropped over the years, the same cannot be said for women. Among females, black women especially have seen even less progress.
Which Pill is Best?
Birth control pills are some of the most common medications prescribed in the United States. Therefore, it is important to know about the different risks that different pills have.
Diabetes Raises Heart Risks in Women
Diabetes patients face a high risk of heart disease and stroke. Even young women with the condition are susceptible, but controlling the risk factors can help.
Women’s Cancer Linked to Cholesterol Problems
You may already know that high overall cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. What you might not know is that survivors of some cancers may be more prone to having high amounts of fat in their blood.
How Heart Disease is Different for Women
Heart disease is one of the biggest threats to women's health. Additionally, health problems affect men and women differently. A recent report looked at the differences between women's heart health and men's heart health
Good News for Women's Hearts
Heart disease is a serious threat to women, yet clinical trials of one of the most common treatments for this condition have not included many women.
Fertility Treatment No Problem for Your Heart
Struggling to have a child can take a toll on a person's mind and body, especially if they are undergoing fertility treatments. But the process can pay off with a child — and possibly better health.
Mental Health Can Affect Your Heart
Many physical health and lifestyle factors are considered when determining a person's risk of heart disease. Did you know that your mental health history could be equally as important?
Years of Rx May Increase Cancer Risks
Millions of people rely on calcium channel blockers to control their blood pressure. They are among the most widely prescribed medications in the US. New research suggests that long-term use of these medications may impact cancer risks.
Heart Disease: It’s Not Just for Men
Coronary artery disease is seen by many as a man's disease. This potentially fatal heart problem, though, strikes at least as many women as men.