Health News
Calcium Didn't Lead to Heart Disease
Previous studies have suggested that taking calcium supplements leads to an increased risk of heart disease. However, that may not be the case.
The More Babies, the Bigger Risk for Blocked Arteries
Pregnancy and giving birth can put a lot of stress on women's bodies. It's possible that mothers could have an increased risk of heart disease associated with pregnancy.
Weight Gain a Year After Giving Birth Can Lead to Health Risks
After having a baby, most women have a lot of things to think about. For some women, even a year after giving birth, one of those things may need to be weight loss.
Many Women Didn't Know the Signs of Stroke
Differences between the sexes can show in various ways, including through illness. The signs and symptoms of stroke are not necessarily the same in women as in men.
Supplements Lowered Bad Cholesterol in Older Women
Could taking supplements possibly help women improve their health? A new study looked at the effects of supplements on 'bad' cholesterol.
New Guidelines to Prevent Stroke in Women
More than half the strokes in the US occur in women. Addressing factors that uniquely increase their risk may help to change that statistic.
When To Deliver When Mom's Blood Pressure Is High
High blood pressure-related disorders are among the most common pregnancy complications in the United States. Preterm delivery is often necessary to keep the mother safe and healthy.
Obesity During Pregnancy May Harm the Heart Later
Almost one third of women of childbearing age are obese, which may affect the development of the unborn baby as well as the mother's long-term heart health.
Preventing Disease with Exercise
Your health care provider may emphasize the importance of exercise, but exactly how important is physical activity for staying healthy?
Women Who Sat Less Lived Longer
Physical activity is part of a healthy lifestyle, but one new study shows it may not be enough for postmenopausal women who have otherwise sedentary lifestyles.