Health News
How Walnuts Could Affect Weight Loss
Looking to lose weight? You may want to try going a little nuts.
Getting a Handle on Preeclampsia
Of all pregnancy-related complications, preeclampsia is probably the most difficult to detect. But there's some hopeful news on that front.
Heart Attack in Women: The New Findings
Women and men differ in many obvious ways. One not so obvious difference has to do with their hearts.
Women, Get Your Heartbeat Checked
Women's hearts are not the same as men's when it comes to a condition called atrial fibrillation (Afib).
A Potential New Use for Metformin
One common diabetes drug may soon have a new indication.
Blood Thinners, the Pill and HRT: The New Findings
Women with a history of blood clots are often advised to stop hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or using birth control pills — even if they are already on a blood thinner. But a new discovery could change that.
Gender Differences in Heart Attack Survivors
Heart attack survivors are routinely prescribed a cocktail of medications to prevent another cardiac event. But for young women, the situation may be a bit more complicated.
Hormone Therapy for Women: Timing Matters
Hormone therapy for menopause has been a controversial subject for some time, primarily because of its link to heart disease risk.
How Heart Attacks Affect Life Expectancy
After a heart attack, life expectancy can depend on many factors. Now new evidence suggests that even a patient's sex and skin color may play a role.
Depression Rx Might Pose Smaller Risk in Moms-to-Be
Many moms-to-be who take antidepressants may assume that weaning themselves off their meds is the safest thing for their baby, but the truth may not be so simple.