Health News

After Menopause, Hormones May Lower Glaucoma Risk
Some women take hormone medications to help with menopausal symptoms. It's possible that these medications protect their eyesight as well.
Linking Estrogen, Diabetes and Dementia
How well the brain functions often depends on the body's overall health. For older women with changed hormonal levels and diabetes, brain health may be a particular concern.
Hormone Therapy After Menopause Upped Pancreatitis Risk
Many women use hormone replacement therapy to help with menopause symptoms. But the treatment does carry some increased risks for developing other medical conditions.
Wanted: A Child
For those who desperately want to have a child, it can be a long and emotional journey to try to get pregnant. Yet a wide range of infertility services exist.
Preventing Disease with Exercise
Your health care provider may emphasize the importance of exercise, but exactly how important is physical activity for staying healthy?
Women Experienced Postpartum Depression Differently
Many mothers experience symptoms of depression after giving birth. A new review showed that the severity and length of postpartum depression varied widely between women.
Women Who Sat Less Lived Longer
Physical activity is part of a healthy lifestyle, but one new study shows it may not be enough for postmenopausal women who have otherwise sedentary lifestyles.
Diabetes Screening Urged for All Pregnant Women
During pregnancy, women who have never had diabetes can develop high blood sugar, which can affect mother and child. With cases of gestational diabetes rising, women are being urged to get tested.
Breastfeeding May Lower Odds of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Breastfeeding is nature’s way of nourishing a baby, and the practice has been shown to help both mother and child. A new study suggests that breastfeeding may positively affect the mother’s health years later.
Rx May Improve Bone Density in Osteoporosis Patients
Osteoporosis decreases bone density, making bones more prone to breaks. A new medication being tested in clinical trials may help increase bone density.