Health News

More Than Vitamin D for Women's Bone Health
"Take vitamin D," "Drink your milk," "Get enough calcium" — there are a lot of different recommendations about what is best for bone health. A new study aimed to explore the specifics of certain supplements and determine what can most help older women keep their bones strong.
Cancer Preventive Rx Too Risky for Most
Women who are at high risk of developing breast cancer may be prescribed risk-reducing medications. Because some of these medicines have serious side effects, recommendations regarding who should take them have changed.
The Struggles of Elderly Cancer Patients
It’s not unusual for elderly individuals to have trouble with day-to-day activities. The addition of cancer treatments may make these tasks an even greater struggle, according to new research.
A Crystal Ball of Moms' Type 2 Diabetes Risk
A woman who develops gestational diabetes during pregnancy is at a higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes later in life. But what about women with other pregnancy complications?
Bigger Isn't Better with a Baby
A woman's weight before she becomes pregnant can contribute to how her pregnancy plays out, regardless of how much weight she gains while pregnant.
More Stress, More Pounds?
Past research has suggested that people from poorer backgrounds may have an increased risk of being obese. As researchers dive deeper into this relationship, they are finding that stress may play a role.
Amount of Radiation Matters for Breast Cancer
Is more radiation therapy better? A group of UK researchers hoped to answer that question with recently published research.
Recognizing Heart Risks in Black Women
While death rates for men with heart disease have dropped over the years, the same cannot be said for women. Among females, black women especially have seen even less progress.
Which Pill is Best?
Birth control pills are some of the most common medications prescribed in the United States. Therefore, it is important to know about the different risks that different pills have.
Young Women Can Save a Breast
You may recall that Angelina Jolie recently had a double mastectomy to reduce her risks of developing breast cancer. Researchers have discovered that young women are opting for similar operations to protect themselves.