Health News

Surprise! You're Expecting a Baby
Sometimes a woman finds herself pregnant when she wasn't planning on it. Women with unintended pregnancies may benefit from support and being aware of postpartum depression risks.
Rx Tag-Team Works Better for Weak Bones
When one medicine doesn't help postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, doctors might recommend another. But if the second doesn't strengthen bones, what happens then? Taking them together might do the trick.
Female Pelvic Surgery No Sure Thing
Gravity and bodily wear-and-tear have their effects. In some women who are growing older or who have given birth, those effects eventually may cause the pelvic organs to prolapse.
Hot Flashes, Yes, But No Heart Disease
An unhealthy diet can lead to heart disease. Being overweight, smoking and not exercising can also bring on the condition. What about adding menopause to the mix?
Sleeping Beauty to Protect the Heart
While some women past menopause have to deal with hot flashes and night sweats, others have to watch their sleeping patterns. How they sleep can affect their heart health.
Diabetes Rx and Breast Cancer Survival
The diabetes drug metformin has been something of a darling in the cancer world of late. Previous research has shown that it may help prevent or beat cancer. But a new study has come along that creates a question mark.
Moving Beyond Breast Cancer
Being physically active is one of the best things breast cancer survivors can do for themselves. Are they moving? Recent research tracked the physical activity patterns of breast cancer survivors.
Breast Cancer Patients Want to Have Fun!
It would be difficult to call breast cancer treatment fun. So it’s not surprising that breast cancer patients love to have a little fun with family and friends.
Living Longer with HER2+ Breast Cancer
HER2-positive breast cancers are more aggressive forms of breast cancer. These tumors contain a protein that promotes cancer cell growth. HER2-positive breast cancers can also be driven by the hormone estrogen.
Move Your Butt to Save Your Breasts
We’ve all heard that exercise is good for us. Yeah, yeah…but the couch is more fun, right? Well, there’s a new reason to leave the couch behind.