Health News

The Weighty Issue of Ovarian Cancer
Loads of health problems have been linked to obesity in recent medical studies. Fortunately, ovarian cancer and obesity don't necessarily go hand-in-hand.
Pros and Cons of Urinary Slings
If it didn't work the first time, women who get urinary slings to control their bladder can certainly try the procedure again. The second or third time might be a charm, but not all outcomes with the new slings benefit its user.
Robotic Surgery Seems Safe But Pricey
Robot technology is being used in surgical settings, but can cost a pretty penny. If two surgeries are equally safe, the less expensive procedure may be best.
Moms in the Military Doing All Right
Deploying overseas in the military can be stressful for any soldier. So one could imagine it may be even rougher for women who deploy after having a baby.
Women Who “Fat Talk” and “Old Talk”
People might say out of frustration “I feel fat” or “I feel old.” But for women with eating disorders these types of comments may signal a fixation on young, thin, ideal body images.
New HER2+ Breast Cancer Rx Approved
Patients with HER2-positive breast cancer have a new medication to treat the disease in its late stages, after it has started to spread.
New Breast Implant Approved
Women who want to enhance the size of or rebuild their bustlines now have a new choice. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved a new silicone breast implant.
Women Are Heart Smarter, But There's More to be Done
February is American Heart Month, and a good time to think about how you can improve your heart health and live a heart healthy lifestyle.
The Fate of New Hips in Women
Hip joint replacements can help patients regain normal mobility. But just like any surgery, there are risks involved in hip replacement. And women may have a higher risk than men when it comes to failure of the new hip.
Uterine Cancer in Baby Boomers
Women from the baby boomer generation may have different lifestyle habits than previous generations. Those habits may change the treatments options of lady baby boomers with uterine cancer.