Health News

Lexapro for Hot Flashes
Hot flashes can get in the way of social activities, work, and sleep. Help managing hot flashes can improve quality of life.
Being Fat is No Way to Live
You've heard it a million times. Maybe you make a joke or say, “I really do need to lose some weight.” The fact is, fat isn’t good for you in any way - physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.
Breast Density and Living
Maybe you’ve been told you have “dense breasts.” This has to do with the types of tissue that make up your breasts. Dense breasts have more types of tissue - such as milk ducts – and less fat. On a mammogram, this tissue shows up white instead of gray, which is fat.
If Mama is Snoring...
Just as snoring is associated more often with men than women, so is sleep apnea. Since snoring and sleep apnea are related, does that mean women don't get sleep apnea as frequently?
A Safer C-Section
Pregnant women who deliver by cesarean section usually receive antibiotics after the baby’s umbilical cord is clamped. But could meds before the procedure reduce the risk of infection?
Radiation Helps Older Women Avoid Mastectomies
The need for radiation treatment after a lumpectomy has been studied for years. Current treatment guidelines say radiation is not necessary for older women with early breast cancer. A new study suggests that this may not be the case.
Chemo Is an Option for Pregnant Women
So little is understood about the effects of chemotherapy on a developing baby that doctors are still learning about how safe treatment is during pregnancy.
Which Bone Metastasis Drug Is Better?
When breast cancer spreads to the bones, various drugs are available to control the disease. This class of drugs is called biophosphonates . A manufacturer-funded study suggests its drug is better than others.
Hormone Levels and Uterine Cancer
Maybe you've heard about leptin as it relates to weight control. Leptin is a hormone that the body's fat cells produce, and scientists believe it may play a role in cancer. Is this true for uterine (also known as endometrial) cancer?
Powder Puff Cancer Risks
Using talc or other forms of powder to freshen up the genital area is something women have done for years. This practice has been linked to an increased risk of ovarian cancer in several studies. But what about powder and uterine cancer risks?