BabyInfo Center

What Babies Eat May Affect Leukemia Risk
Childhood cancer is rare, but it is still a leading health threat to children and adolescents — surpassed only by accidents. However, babies who are breastfed may be at a lower risk for developing one type of blood cancer in childhood.
Baby's Gender May Bump up Mom's Diabetes Risk
Expecting moms face a list of possible health concerns, including the risk of developing diabetes during pregnancy. But for those having baby boys, the odds may be even higher.
Depressed New Moms Might Benefit from This Rx
Welcoming a new baby brings joy, but it can also bring a time of stress, worry and depression. New evidence suggests that medications might help new moms with depression.
The Benefits of Prenatal Exercise
Pregnancy calls for kicking those swollen feet up and simply trying to relax, right? Maybe not. Moms-to-be might not need to be so fast to slow down.
Shedding Light on Miscarriage Misunderstandings
When it comes to miscarriage, many people may not have their facts straight. Increased awareness, however, could reduce the misunderstanding and guilt often tied to the issue.
A Weighty Matter for Those Wanting to Get Pregnant
Losing weight may need to be a priority for heavier women who are thinking about getting pregnant.
Breastfeeding May Benefit Moms, Too
Breastfeeding may not just bring benefits to baby.
C-Sections Might Be Too Common
The C-section has become extremely common in the US, but new evidence suggests that this might be dangerous to women and babies in some cases.
Another Possible Factor in Autism Risk
Many factors during pregnancy can affect a baby's development. Among those factors may be gestational diabetes, which could affect your baby's neurological development.
New Down Syndrome Test: More Accurate, More Limited
A new test might improve the accuracy of Down syndrome diagnoses.