BabyInfo Center

New Down Syndrome Test: More Accurate, More Limited
A new test might improve the accuracy of Down syndrome diagnoses.
Buying Breast Milk Online? Be Careful
Buying breast milk online is often cheaper than buying it from a milk bank, and it can be convenient for mothers who are unable to breastfeed their babies. Parents who purchase breast milk online, however, should make sure they're getting what they're paying for.
How Pollution Could Affect Your Baby's Development
Pollution exposure is a well-known factor in breathing problems in children, but new evidence suggests it may also contribute to other health issues.
More Tummy Troubles for Kids with Autism
Caring for a child with autism comes with struggles, and many parents may find that stomach problems in kids may be part of those struggles.
What Breastfeeding Might Do for Baby's Brain
Breastfeeding may boost more than just bonding — it may also boost baby's brainpower based on how long you do it.
California Kids Get a Breath of Fresh Air
Those fighting for better pollution practices in one US state last week got a breath of fresh air.
How Height and Weight Could Expose Celiac Disease
Break out the tape measure and scale. Measurements like height and weight could help doctors spot celiac disease earlier in kids.
Risks and Benefits of Weight Loss Surgery Before Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an exciting time, but many women have a few anxious moments. Women who have had weight loss surgery may have more anxious moments than others. Some of those moments, however, may not be warranted.
These Steps May Cut Diabetes Risk in New Moms
Between late-night feedings and diaper changes, new moms may not prioritize their own blood sugar levels. However, healthy choices and medications could prevent diabetes in those at risk for it.
Good News After Cancer Scares for Hopeful Moms-to-Be
Getting abnormal Pap smear results can be scary — a fear that is sometimes compounded by a fear that follow-up procedures may reduce fertility. New evidence suggests, however, that many women who undergo these procedures can expect joyful surprises later in life.