BabyInfo Center

Multiple Vaccines and the Immune System
Infants receiving multiple childhood vaccines based on the routine vaccination schedule did not face an increased risk for infection, according to a new study.

Where Zika Spread, Birth Defects Were More Common
Parts of the United States that had local Zika virus transmission saw an increase in birth defects that have been linked to the virus, a new study found.

How Screen Time Affects Teens' Emotions
Teens who spend more time in front of a screen may be more likely to feel unhappy, according to a new study.

Gestational Diabetes and Your Heart Health
Having gestational diabetes during pregnancy could mean you're at risk for other conditions in the future, according to a new study.

How Breastfeeding Affects Diabetes Risk
Women who breastfeed their babies for at least six months may be less likely to develop type 2 diabetes later on, a new study found.

Sleep-Related Infant Deaths Still a Concern
Thousands of sleep-related infant deaths happen each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Monitoring Zika's Effects
Many babies born with a smaller than normal head as a result of Zika virus infection may face health problems as they develop, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Heart Screening May Save Infants' Lives
Newborn testing for critical congenital heart disease may save lives, according to a new study.
Vitamin D in Pregnancy
There may not be enough evidence to support current recommendations on taking vitamin D supplements during pregnancy, according to a new study.
Obesity in Pregnancy Tied to Bigger Babies
Being obese during pregnancy may raise the likelihood of your infant being apparently bigger, according to a new study.