BabyInfo Center
Air Pollution and Newborns’ Emotional Health
Is something in the air affecting kids' behavior these days? Maybe –chemicals from air pollution breathed in by expectant moms may play a part in their children's behavior issues later on.
Antidepressant Safety During Pregnancy
Much is still uncertain about what drugs are safe while pregnant, so deciding what to take or avoid may require a tradeoff. Such may be the case for a common group of antidepressants.
Salmon Has Benefits For Pregnant Women
If you're planning for the arrival of a baby, consider planning to include some salmon in your meals each week. The extra omega-3 fatty acids will benefit both of you.
Pregnancy After Breast Cancer
If you're planning to get pregnant, don't let a prior breast cancer diagnosis stop you. Pregnancy following breast cancer remission appears to be safe.
Women's Race may Determine Dosages
If a pregnant woman needs azithromycin , a common antibiotic for various infections, her dosage amount may be determined by her race.
After One C Section, Another May be Best
Women who have already had one cesarean section may be better off planning to have another for their next child instead of attempting a vaginal birth.
Nursing Moms Should not Avoid Cow's Milk
Nursing moms who avoid milk in hopes of reducing their babies’ risk for food allergies should think twice: A new study finds that it may increase your baby’s risk for food allergies.
Preemie Breathing Treatment Ineffective
Preemies often struggle with breathing problems, so some hospitals give them nitric oxide to help with breathing. But recent evidence shows this gas treatment may not be any help.
A Closer Look at Breastfeeding Habits
Official medical recommendations are to breastfeed babies exclusively for a baby's first six months, but is this too lofty a goal for some women? What happens when reality meets idealism?
Tiny Baby = Later Heart Trouble for Mom?
Having a baby classified as small for his or her age might mean more than tiny onesies . It's also an indication that mom should watch out for later developing heart disease.