BabyInfo Center
A New Probiotic Super-Formula?
Probiotics are food with live and active beneficial bacteria for the body that have been gaining popularity in the U.S. - and soon they may be in baby's formula.
Fast Is Better for First-Trimester Miscarriage
Miscarrying a child is a difficult, emotional experience for a woman. Some women who experience first-trimester loss choose to lose the baby naturally, without immediate medical intervention.
Doctors and Moms Need to Chat
Giving birth between 22 and 26 weeks can involve painful decisions, given the various risks to the baby, which has about a 50 percent chance of survival.
Early Birds May Be Too Sick for the Worm
Arriving early is great for meetings or work - but not for birth. Even babies born a couple weeks early are at a higher risk for developing health problems later.
What You Gain Won't Affect Baby's Brain
Although gaining too much or too little weight during pregnancy can cause problems for the baby, cognitive problems are not among them.
Does Ecstasy Hurt Unborn Babies?
Using ecstasy is no way to escape the discomfort of pregnancy. The first study to look at its impact on babies reveals it can cause developmental delays that might spell trouble later.
Teen Athletes Aren't Always Hard-Headed
It may be tempting to knock your teen upside the head sometimes, but it turns out a head injury might cause more problems in adolescents than in adults.
Fish Oil Helps Teensy Hearts
Babies unable to grow to the size they're genetically supposed to reach suffer from intrauterine growth restriction, a risk factor for future cardiovascular problems.
Nutrition Affects Unborn Babys Immune System
Pregnant moms know that nutrition during pregnancy can impact a baby’s growth. But did you know that what you take into your body before you’re pregnant may be able to help your baby fight off disease?
Flu Vaccine Protects Newborns in Multiple Ways-EMBARGOED 21-Feb-2012 12:00 ET
The flu vaccine can do more than protect a pregnant mother and her baby from the flu. It also appears to reduce the risk of having an underweight baby.