ExerciseInfo Center
A Look at Teen Concussion Rates
Many adolescents reported that they have been diagnosed with at least one concussion during their lives, according to a new study.
All Types of Exercise Tied to Benefits
Household chores, washing the dog, taking the stairs and all other kinds of physical activity may reduce your risk of death, according to a new study.
Steady Efforts May Mean Long-Term Weight Loss
The key to long-term weight loss may be losing a consistent number of pounds every week, according to a new study.
Obesity: Still a Big Problem in the US
Obesity continues to be a significant health concern across the United States, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
How Diet May Affect Your Colorectal Cancer Risk
The foods you eat may have an impact on your risk for colorectal cancer, according to a new report.
How a Sedentary Lifestyle Affects Your Health
For frail, inactive adults, sedentary behaviors like sitting may raise their risk of dying, according to a new study.
Healthy Habits May Help with Pregnancy
Safely exercising and dieting before and during pregnancy may reduce weight gain, diabetes risk and the need for a C-section, a new study found.
The Keys to Diabetes Management
Taking medications as prescribed can make all the difference and this is no different for those with diabetes, according to a new study.
A Healthy Heart Can Last a Lifetime
Having a healthy heart in middle age may mean you're set to have a long, healthy life, according to a new study.
Active Kids Make Healthier Adults
Even a small increase in the number of kids who get regular exercise could help keep kids healthier into adulthood and save billions in medical costs, a new study found.