Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

Skip the Tail on Turkey Day
When you're chowing down on turkey this Thanksgiving, you might want to avoid eating the tail. Some say it's the tastiest part, but it's also the fattiest.
Exercise Energizes Cancer Patients
The cancer fight is tiring, both for the mind and the body. Despite the fatigue, patients with cancer can feel less tired with exercise.
Magical Number for Kids' Activity is 7
Kids run, climb, crawl and jump. But is that activity enough to stop them from becoming overweight or obese? Well, yes – if the activity is intense enough and lasts long enough.
Is Weight Loss For Every Diabetes Patient?
If you have type 2 diabetes, your weight can have a huge impact on your risk of complications and death. One might think the heavier you are, the higher your risk. However, the scenario may not be as simple as that.
Mindful Eating for Diabetes
Eating healthy to lose weight is a key part of controlling diabetes. But getting patients to eat healthy is not always easy. Two different programs may be equally helpful in getting patients to change their eating habits.
Work Your Bones Now for Strength Later
Sit ups for breakfast? Lazy bones as a child could make the body pay as a grown up. Adults may have greater knee cartilage and bone strength in their lower legs if they are more physically active as children.
Weighing the Cancer
The scale is only part of the picture. A person's body mass index, or BMI, is just one way of weighing someone. For certain cancers, one's BMI can give a clue of the person's odds of getting cancer.
Hey Girls! Let's Dance
Teen girls that seem generally healthy may still struggle with their self-image. This struggle can sometimes lead to later health problems. But there's a possible solution: Just dance!
Sunlight Vitamin’s Benefits in Pregnancy
African-American women are already prone to not getting enough vitamin D. When they are pregnant, lacking this nutrient might influence their mental health.
Poor Diets, Poor Kidneys
Poor people in the United States are more likely to develop kidney disease. Unhealthy diets may have something to do with this gap. A recent study showed poor dietary habits were strongly associated with kidney disease among the urban poor.