Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center
Drop a Few 'lbs' with Fruits and Veggies
Mom and dad are right when it comes to eating your veggies. They're good for your health and, combined with eating fewer calories, they can help you lose weight.
Regular Exercise to Avoid Dementia?
Exercising three times a week for at least 30 minutes can keep your heart healthy. It may also help you avoid dementia. A recent study tracked elderly people who felt their memory was failing.
Lost With Newly Diagnosed Diabetes
If you are diagnosed with diabetes, you should make many changes to your lifestyle. Unfortunately, patients who are newly diagnosed with diabetes may not be getting the information they need to make these changes.
Fast Food Means Fast Gains
It's so convenient. When McDonald's or Burger King is on your way home from an errand, you can swing by with the kids for a quick lunch. But the calories add up.
Be Active to Add Life, Regardless of Size
It's not all about the pounds. People can carry a little extra but still be fit, just as slimmer people can be out of shape.
Grocery Store Salad Mix Sickens 19
The salad mix is called " Wegman's Food You Feel Good About Organic Spinach & Spring Mix". Unfortunately, 19 of those who ate it feel less than good about it.
Fruits and Veggies For Your Kidneys
Your kidneys are your body's filters. That is, they help rid the blood of waste. So it may follow that what you put in your body can affect your kidneys, especially if you have kidney disease.
A Scary New Sugar High
It’s not just how much you eat, it also may be what you eat that matters when it comes to living beyond cancer. A new study shows this very likely is true for colon cancer patients.
Move Aside Milk, Alcohol May Help Bone Loss
While the apple can keep the doctor away, alcohol may help keep bones from going away. Researchers say if middle-aged women drink a glass or two of alcohol each day, their bones may be stronger.
Teach ‘Em When They’re Young
Compared to teenagers, it’s easier to get kids to break bad eating habits and start exercising. The earlier kids can learn to be healthy, the better chance they will have of staying that way.